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How will this Development of National Significance “DNS” Proposal be Consulted and Decided?

The Planning (Wales) Act 2015 established a new category of development named DNS. Provision in the Act came into force in March 2016 which requires the Welsh Minister to determine DNS projects, with applications being made directly to them. The process for applying for a Development of National Significance is set out by the Development of National Significance (Procedure) (Wales) Order 2016 and subsequent Regulations. The application process is managed by the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) on behalf of the Welsh Ministers.

The Welsh Government has assessed the scheme and concluded that no significant effects on the environment would occur. Therefore, the proposed development does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment.

As per the DNS flowchart, we are currently at the Statutory pre-application consultation phase of the project which involves further discussions with the community and the Welsh Government. Decisions are made in the context of the Welsh Government’s national planning policy, namely Future Wales and Planning Policy Wales (11 edition).


  • Inception Meetings and Pre-Application Advice.

  • The developer publicises draft proposals, engages the local planning authority, affected communities and statutory undertakers to identify issues and exchange views.

The above was carried out throughout 2022 until April 2023.

  • The developer submits notification of intention to submit a DNS; this was carried out on 11th January 2023.

  • Acceptance of notification by the Inspectorate (10 working days); this occurred on 16th January 2023.

  • Statutory pre-application consultation undertaken by the developer; this consultation will run throughout Summer 2023.  

Pre-application Engagement & Consultation
Application & Consultation


  • Developer submits application with Consultation Report (validation 42 days for EIA cases and 28 days for all others).

  • If the application is valid the Inspectorate publicise and consults on the application.

  • LPA prepares a Local Impact Report.

  • The developer has 10 working days following close of the consultation period to decide whether or not to amend the application.


  • An Inspector is appointed to 'examine' the application and determines the procedure.

  • Examination will be written representations, hearing or inquiry, or a combination of all three.

  • The appointed Inspector must consider all representations and any matters raised and writes a report to the Welsh Minister recommending whether planning permission should be granted or refused.

Examination & Decision


  • Application is determined by Welsh Ministers and a decision issued.


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