The Site
The site is located south of the A484 and Swansea Road within Llwchwr Town and Swansea Council areas and the Wards of Llwchwr and Waunarlwydd.
The proposed development site extends across the north slopes of the valley.
New and improved wildlife habitats and surface water storage areas will be created across the site. Amongst the solar arrays and around the battery units, the land will be undisturbed soil for the duration of the proposed 40 years, with species-rich grasslands pollinating with sheep grazing.
North of the river plus one field North of the A484. The land is currently grazed and ploughed with field drains and ditches accelerating surface water run-off to the Afon Llan.
The fields which form the site are mostly bound by mature tree planting and hedgerows. All of these natural assets will be retained and enhanced.
The surrounding landscape slopes and varies in form, comprising an agricultural, industrial and valley landscape crossed by a network of main roads, pylons and overhead cables linking the surrounding towns and the edge of Swansea City.
The Swansea Local Plan has allocated the south of the valley for a mixture of developments, for which this proposal would produce food, renewable power and enhanced green infrastructure & wildlife habitats.
Landscape Considerations
The site is within an area locally designated as a landscape to be protected and it is anticipated that there will be some change in the appearance and character of the area from the temporary installation of the renewable energy scheme. The permanent effects on landscape features, such as the new hedgerows and trees, would be entirely beneficial and contained within the site boundary. The proposed enhanced habitats and solar arrays will be visible from the Public Rights of Way within and close to the site, yet a considerable 'no development' buffer has been incorporated into the design that would allow for wildflower meadows along the footpaths and between the solar arrays.
The site is not within or near a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), with the Gower AONB approximately 3.5km to the southwest at its closest point.
The proposed development is being supported by a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Landscape Plan which seek to provide a number of landscape mitigation measures.